Welcome to PivotRx

Prescriptions are expensive; but they don't have to be! We strive to do Rx better!

Learn More

Prescriptions don't have to be a decision.

PivotRx is a subscription membership providing you with access to 1,000+ medications for FREE or at a significantly reduced cost!

Our network includes over 68,000 nationwide pharmacies. As well, working with local pharmacies you receive better and more personalized care!

round yellow medication pill lot


Patient Portal

Get started with a member account to access everything you need to know about your pharmacy benefits. Creating an account on the member portal is both straightforward and secure. Once you have an account, you’ll be able to:

* Download and learn about mobile app View coverage & benefits, and view/print your benefit card

* Locate an in-network pharmacy
Price a medication

* View claims history Check for drug interactions


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